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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/14/19 Life's Greatest Challenges Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190414PMGOSPELMEETINGSteveGarrettLifesGreatestChallenges.MP3
04/14/19 The Guidline for Where You Look Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190414AMGOSPELMEETINGSteveGarrettTheGuidlineForWhereYouLook.MP3
04/14/19 Singing Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190414AMGOSPELMEETINGSinging.MP3
04/14/19 From the Sandlot to the Big League Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190413PMGOSPELMEETINGSteveGarrettFromTheSandlotToTheBigLeague.MP3
04/13/19 Singing Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190413PMGOSPELMEETINGSinging.MP3
04/12/19 No Excuses Steve Garrett Gospel Meeting The Road Less Traveled By Gospel Meeting 20190412PMGOSPELMEETINGSteveGarrettNoExcuses.MP3
04/07/19 God's Victory is Our Victory Dan Byers Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190407PMDanByersGodsVictoryIsOurVictory.MP3
04/07/19 Luke 4:31-44 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190407AMSidLathamLuke4.31-44.MP3
03/31/19 A Man on a Mission Bryan Crawley Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190331PMBryanCrawleyAManOfAction.MP3
03/31/19 The Local Church: A Family of Believers Adam Higginbotham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190331AMAdamHigginbothamTheLocalChurchAFamilyOfBelievers.MP3
03/25/19 Our Reaction to God Matthew Collins Sermon Singing Night Sun PM 20190324PMMatthewCollinsOurReactionToGod.MP3
03/25/19 Luke 4:14-28 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190324AMSidLathamLuke4.14-28.MP3
03/17/19 The Temple: The Reflection of Heavenly Things Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190317PMSidLathamTheTempleTheReflectionOfHeavenlyThings.MP3
03/17/19 Luke 3:21-4:20 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190317AMSidLathamLuke3.21-4.13.MP3
03/10/19 Luke 3:1-20 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190310AMSidLathamLuke3.1-20.MP3
03/03/19 Parenting From Proverbs Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190303PMSidLathamParentingFromProverbs.MP3
03/03/19 Luke 2:21-52 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190303AMSidLathamLuke2.22-52.MP3
02/24/19 Forgiveness Jacob Latham Sermon Singing Night Sun PM 20190223PMJacobLathamForgiveness.MP3
02/24/19 Luke 2:1-20 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190223AMSidLathamLuke2.1-20.MP3
02/17/19 Amos Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190217PMSidLathamAmos.MP3
02/17/19 Luke 1:57-80 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190217AMSidLathamLuke1.57-80.MP3
02/10/19 Report on the Work in India Alan Cornett Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190210AMAlanCornettReportOnTheWorkInIndia.MP3
02/03/19 Luke 1:46-56 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun PM 20190127PMSidLathamLuke1.46-56.MP3
02/03/19 Luke 1:26-45 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190127AMSidLathamLuke1.26-45.MP3
01/27/19 Warning Mark Raymer Sermon Singing Night Sun PM 20190120PMMarkRaymerWarning.MP3
01/27/19 Luke 1:1-25 Sid Latham Sermon Luke Sun AM 20190120AMSidLathamLuke1.1-25.MP3
01/20/19 Our Story in the Books of Law Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190120PMSidLathamOurStoryInTheLaw.mp3
01/13/19 Warrior Virtues: Self-Sacrifice Sid Latham Sermon Warrior Virtues Sun AM 20190113AMSidLathamSelfSacrifice.MP3
01/06/19 The Substance of Hope Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190106PMSidLathamTheSubstanceOfHope.MP3
01/06/19 Warrior Virtues: Honor Sid Latham Sermon Warrior Virtues Sun AM 20190106AMSidLathamHonor.MP3
12/30/18 Wise Relationships Bruce Taylor Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181230PMBruceTaylorWiseRelationships.MP3
12/30/18 Using Our Time Wisely Bryan Crawley Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181230AMBryanCrawleyUsingOurTimeWisely.MP3
12/23/18 The Judgment and Triumph of the Lamb Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181223PMSidLathamTheJudgmentAndTriumphOfTheLamb.MP3
12/23/18 Standing With Christ Against the World Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181223AMSidLathamStandingWithChristAgainstTheWorld.MP3
12/16/18 Jesus' Sermon in Parables Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181216PMSidLathamThreeParables.mp3
12/16/18 Warrior Virtues: Loyalty Sid Latham Sermon Warrior Virtues Sun AM 20181216AMSidLathamWarriorVirtuesLoyalty.mp3
12/09/18 Warrior Virtues: Courage Sid Latham Sermon Warrior Virtues Sun AM 20181209AMSidLathamWarriorVirtuesCourage.MP3
12/02/18 Read the Bible! Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181202PMSidLathamReadTheBible.MP3
12/02/18 Using Prayer to Overcome Sin Sid Latham Sermon Prayer Sun AM 20181202AMSidLathamUsingPrayerToOvercomeSin.MP3
11/25/18 Understanding God's Will and Carrying It Out Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181125AMSidLathamUnderstandingGodsWillAndCarryingItOut.MP3
11/18/18 The Advantages of Living in Goshen Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181118PMSidLathamTheAdvantagesOfLivingInGoshen.MP3
11/18/18 The Exchange Principle Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181118AMSidLathamTheExchangePrinciple.MP3
11/11/18 Three Persepctives on Washing the Disciples' Feet Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181111PMSidLathamThreePerspectivesOnJesusWashingTheDisciplesFeet.MP3
11/11/18 What Happens In Heaven When We Pray On Earth Sid Latham Sermon Prayer Sun AM 20181111AMSidLathamWhatHappensInHeavenWhenWePrayOnEarth.MP3
11/04/18 The Day of Small Things Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181104AMSidLathamTheDayOfSmallThings.MP3
10/28/18 Living in Hope Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181028AMSidLathamLivingInHope.MP3
10/21/18 The Suffering Servant Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20181021PMSidLathamTheSufferingServant.MP3
10/21/18 What Does the Cross Mean? Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20181021AMSidLathamWhatDoesTheCrossMean.MP3
10/14/18 Prayer Service Various Miscellaneous Prayer Service Sun PM 20181014PMPrayerService.MP3
10/14/18 You Are Needed Adam Higginbotham Sermon N/A Sun AM You_Are_Needed.pptx 20181014AMAdamHigginbothamYouAreNeeded.MP3
10/07/18 Psalm 47: Praise for the King Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM
10/07/18 Prayer for Others Sid Latham Sermon Prayer Sun AM 20181007AMSidLathamPrayerForOthers.MP3
09/30/18 An Unlikely Prayer (Prov. 30) Matthew Collins Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180930PMMatthewCollinsAnUnlikelyPrayer.MP3
09/30/18 One Heart, One Soul Alan Cornett Sermon N/A Sun AM 20180930AMAlanCornettOneHeartOneSoul.MP3
09/30/18 3 John 9-15 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180930ClassAndrewShearer3John9-15.MP3
09/26/18 3 John 1-8 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180926ClassAndrewShearer3John1-8.MP3
09/23/18 Investment Dan Galloway Sermon Singing Night Sun PM 20180923PMDanGallowayInvestment.MP3
09/23/18 The Biblical Foundation for Unity Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20180923AMSidLathamTheBiblicalBasisForUnity.mp3
09/23/18 2 John 7-13 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180923ClassAndrewShearer2John7-13.MP3
09/19/18 Wednesday Q&A Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180919LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittWednesdayQA.mp3
09/19/18 The Solution: Jesus and the Cross Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180919LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittTheCrossIsTheSolution.mp3
09/18/18 Tuesday Q&A Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180918LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittTuesdayQA.mp3
09/18/18 If There is Evil in the World, How Can God be Good? Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180918LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittIfThereIsEvilCanGodBeGood.mp3
09/17/18 Monday Q&A Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180917LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittMondayQA.mp3
09/17/18 The Problem of Evil Greg Gravitt Gospel Meeting If God is God, Why is There Evil in the World? Gospel Meeting 20180917LEXBIBLEFORUMGregGravittTheProblemOfEvil.mp3
09/16/18 Human Limits & Divine Sovereignty Sid Latham Sermon Get Wisdom! Sun AM 20180916AMSidLathamHumanLimitsAndDivineSovereignty.MP3
09/16/18 2 John 1-6 Adam Higginbotham Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180916ClassAdamHigginbotham2John1-6.MP3
09/12/18 Overview of 2 John Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180912ClassAndrewShearerOverviewOf2John.MP3
09/09/18 I Am Mephibosheth Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180909PMSidLathamIAmMephibosheth.MP3
09/09/18 The Church as Temple Sid Latham Sermon The Lord's Church Sun AM 20180909AMSidLathamTheChurchAsTemple.MP3
09/09/18 Approaches to Studying 1 John Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180909ClassAndrewShearerApproachesToStudying1John.MP3
09/05/18 Assurance in 1 John Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180905ClassAndrewShearerAssuranceIn1John.MP3
09/02/18 Faith Without Works? Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180902PMSidLathamFaithWithoutWorks.MP3
09/02/18 Prayer in the Face of Suffering Sid Latham Sermon Prayer Sun AM 20180902AMSidLathamPrayerInTheFaceOfSuffering.MP3
09/02/18 1 John 5:19-21 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180902ClassAndrewShearer1John5.19-21.MP3
08/29/18 1 John 5:16-18 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180829ClassAndrewShearer1John5.16-18.MP3
08/26/18 How to be a Real Man Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180826PMSidLathamHowToBeARealMan.MP3
08/26/18 Principles of Practical Restoration Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun AM 20180826AMSidLathamPrinciplesOfPracticalRestoration.mp3
08/26/18 1 John 5.6-15 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180826ClassAndrewShearer1John5.6-15.MP3
08/22/18 1 John 4:20-5:5 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180822ClassAndrewShearer1John4.20-5.5.MP3
08/19/18 Singing Various Miscellaneous N/A Sun PM 20180819PMSinging.MP3
08/19/18 Seek the True Light Mark Raymer Sermon Singing Night Sun PM 20180819PMMarkRaymerTheLightOfTheWorld.mp3
08/19/18 Vanity of Vanities: All is Vanity Sid Latham Sermon Get Wisdom! Sun AM 20180819AMSidLathamVanityOfVanitiesAllIsVanity.MP3
08/19/18 1 John 4:10-19 Adam Higginbotham Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180819ClassAdamHigginbotham1John4.MP3
08/13/18 Prayer Service Various Sermon Prayer Service Sun PM 20180812PMVariousPrayerService.MP3
08/12/18 The Work of the Church: Benevolence Sid Latham Sermon The Lord's Church Sun AM 20180812AMSidLathamTheWorkOfTheChurchBenevolence.mp3
08/09/18 Scribes and Disciples Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180805PMSidLathamScribesAndDisciples.MP3
08/09/18 Prayer in the Face of Temptation Sid Latham Sermon Prayer Sun AM 20180805AMSidLathamPrayerInTheFaceOfTemptation.MP3
08/08/18 1 John 3:16-24 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180808ClassAndrewShearer1John3.16-24.MP3
08/05/18 1 John 3:11-15 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun AM 20180805ClassAndrewShearer1John3.11-15.MP3
08/01/18 1 John 3:1-10 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180801ClassAndrewShearer1John3.1-10.MP3
07/29/18 Admonish, Comfort and Uphold Kevin Byers Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180729PMKevinByersAdmonishComfortUphold.MP3
07/29/18 A Look Back at the Reformation Alan Cornett Sermon N/A Sun AM 20180729AMAlanCornettLessonsFromTheReformation.MP3
07/29/18 1 John 2:18-3:1 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180729ClassAndrewShearerJohn2.18-3.1.MP3
07/25/18 1 John 2:9-17 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180725ClassAndrewShearer.MP3
07/18/18 1 John 2:5-8 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180718ClassAndrewShearer1John2.5-8.mp3
07/15/18 Confidence in Our Salvation Sid Latham Sermon N/A Sun PM 20180715PMSidLathamConfidenceInOurSalvation.mp3
07/15/18 "The Day of Adversity": Practical Wisdom from Job Sid Latham Sermon Get Wisdom! Sun AM 20180715AMSidLathamTheDayOfAdversityPracticalWisdomFromJob.mp3
07/15/18 1 John 2:1-4 Dan Byers Bible Class I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180715ClassDanByers1John2.1-4.mp3
07/11/18 1 John 1:5-10 Andrew Shearer Bible Class I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180711ClassAndrewShearer1John1.5-10.mp3

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