Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/19/21 Habakkuk 1 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211219ClassAdamHiggHabakkuk1.mp3
12/19/21 Colossians 2:9-23 Mike Ward Colossians Sun Bible Study 20211219ClassMikeWardColossians2.9-23.mp3
12/15/21 On This Rock (Matthew 16) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211216ClassDempseyCollinsMatthew16.mp3
12/12/21 Colossians 2:1-8 Mike Ward Colossians Sun Bible Study 20211212ClassMikeWardColossians2.1-8.mp3
12/12/21 Nahum 2-3 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211212ClassNahum2-3.mp3
12/09/21 Unclean and Clean (Matthew 15) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211209ClassDempseyCollinsMatthew15.mp3
12/05/21 Colossians 1:15-23 Mike Ward Colossians Sun Bible Study 20211205ClassMikeWardColossians.mp3
12/05/21 Nahum 1:1-8 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211205ClassAdamHiggNahum1.1-8.mp3
12/01/21 The Lord's Work in New York City Caleb Churchill N/A Wed Bible Study 20211201CalebChurchillReportOnNYC.mp3
11/28/21 Colossians 1:9-15 Mike Ward Colossians Sun Bible Study 20211128ClassMikeWardColossians1.16-29.mp3
11/25/21 Traditions or Commands? (Matthew 15) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211125ClassDempseyCollinsTraditionsOrCommands.mp3
11/21/21 Colossians 1:1-8 Mike Ward Colossians Sun Bible Study 20211121ClassMikeWardColossians1.1-15.mp3
11/21/21 Intro to Nahum Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211121ClassAdamHiggIntroToNahum.mp3
11/18/21 Martyrdom and Miracles (Matthew 14) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211118ClassDempseyCollinsMatthew14.mp3
11/14/21 Philippians 4:1-23 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211114ClassKevinByers.mp3
11/14/21 Jonah 4 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211114ClassAdamHiggJonah4.mp3
11/11/21 Real Treasure (Matthew 13) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211111ClassDempseyCollinsMatthew13.mp3
11/07/21 Philippians 3:12-21 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211107ClassKevinByersPhilippians3.12-21.mp3
11/07/21 Jonah 3 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211107ClassAdamHiggJonah3.mp3
11/03/21 Weeds and Seeds (Matthew 13) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211103ClassDempseyCollinsWeedsAndSeeds.mp3
10/31/21 Philippians 3:1-11 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211031ClassKevinByersPhilippians3.1-11.mp3
10/31/21 Jonah 2 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211031ClassAdamHiggJonah2.mp3
10/27/21 The Seed and the Soils (Matthew 13) Mike Byers Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211027ClassMikeByersTheSeedAndTheSoils.mp3
10/24/21 Philippians 2:14-30 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211024ClassKevinByersPhilippians2.14-30.mp3
10/24/21 Jonah 1 Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211024ClassAdamHigginbothamJonah1.mp3
10/20/21 False and True Seekers (Matthew 13) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211020ClassDempseyCollinsFalseAndTrueSeekers.mp3
10/17/21 Philippians 2:5-13 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211017ClassKevinByersPhilippians2.5-13.mp3
10/17/21 Introduction to the Minor Prophets Adam Higginbotham Minor Prophets Sun PM 20211017ClassAdamHigginbothamIntroToProphets.mp3
10/06/21 An Accusation from a Hardened Heart (Matthew 12) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20211006ClassDempseyCollinsAnAccusationFromHardenedHearts.mp3
10/03/21 Philippians 1:21 - 2:4 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20211003ClassKevinByersPhilippians1.21-2.4.mp3
10/03/21 2 Peter 3:1-18 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20211003ClassMattHutson2Peter3.1-18.mp3
09/29/21 Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210929ClassDempseyCollinsLordOfTheSabbathMatthew12.mp3
09/26/21 Philippians 1:10-20 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20210926ClassKevinByersPhilippians1.10-20.mp3
09/22/21 Revelation and Rest (Matthew 11) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210922ClassDempseyCollinsRevelationAndRestMatthew.mp3
09/19/21 Philippians 1:1-9 Kevin Byers Philippians Sun Bible Study 20210919ClassKevinByersPhilippians1.1-9.mp3
09/19/21 2 Peter 1:1-21 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210919ClassMattHutson2Peter1.1-21.mp3
09/15/21 Manage Your Expectations (Matthew 11) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210915ClassDempseyCollinsTemperYourExpectationsMatthew11.mp3
09/12/21 Ephesians 6:10-24 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210912ClassDanByersEphesians6.10-24.mp3
09/08/21 "Are You the One?" (Matthew 11) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210908ClassDempseyCollinsAreYouTheOneMatthew11.mp3
09/05/21 Ephesians 6:1-9 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210905ClassDanByersEphesians6.1-9.mp3
09/05/21 1 Peter 5:1-14 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210905ClassMattHutson1Peter5.1-14.mp3
09/01/21 Messengers of the King (Matthew 10) Dan Byers Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210901ClassDanByersMessengersOfTheKingMatthew10.mp3
08/29/21 Ephesians 5:21-33 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210829ClassDanByersEph5.21-33.mp3
08/29/21 1 Peter 4:1-19 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210829ClassMattHutson1Peter4.1-19.mp3
08/25/21 Power to Heal and Forgive (Matthew 8) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210825ClassDempseyCollinsPowerToHealAndForgive.mp3
08/22/21 Ephesians 5:1-20 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210822ClassDanByersEphesians5.1-20.mp3
08/22/21 1 Peter 3:8-22 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210822ClassMattHutson1Peter3.8-22.mp3
08/18/21 Jesus' Authority in Action Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210818ClassDempseyCollinsJesusAuthorityInAction.mp3
08/15/21 1 Peter 2:13 - 3:7 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210815ClassMattHutson1Peter2.13-3.7.mp3
08/11/21 The Rule and Reign of God Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210811ClassDempseyCollins.mp3
08/08/21 Ephesians 4:1-16 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210808ClassDanByersEpehesians4.1-16.mp3
08/04/21 Advice for Conducting Studies Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210804ClassDempseyCollinsAdviceForConductingStudies.mp3
08/01/21 Ephesians 3:7-21 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210801ClassDanByersEphesians3.7-21.mp3
08/01/21 1 Peter 2:6-12 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210801ClassMattHutson1Peter2.6-12.mp3
07/28/21 Overcoming Discouragement, Pt 2 Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210728ClassDempseyCollinsOvercomingDiscouragementPt2.mp3
07/25/21 Ephesians 2:11-3:6 Bryan Crawley Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210725ClassBryanCrawleyEph2.11-3.6.mp3
07/21/21 Take the Initiative Jeff Byers Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210721ClassJeffByers.mp3
07/18/21 Ephesians 2:1-22 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210718ClassDanByersEphesians2.1-22.mp3
07/18/21 1 Peter 1:6-2:5 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210718ClassMattHutson1Peter1.6-2.5.mp3
07/14/21 Overcoming Discouragement, Pt 1 Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210714ClassDempseyCollinsOvercomingDiscouragement.mp3
07/11/21 Ephesians 1:11-23 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210711ClassDanByersEph1.11-23.mp3
07/07/21 Where Did We Come From? Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210707ClassDempseyCollinsWhereDidIComeFrom.mp3
07/04/21 Ephesians 1:1-10 Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210704ClassDanByersEphesians1.1-10.mp3
07/04/21 1 Peter 1:1-5 Matt Hutson 1 & 2 Peter Sun PM 20210704ClassMattHutson1Pet1.1-5.mp3
06/30/21 Basic Bible Authority Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210630ClassDempseyCollinsBasicBibleAuthority.mp3
06/27/21 Introduction to Ephesians Dan Byers Ephesians Sun Bible Study 20210627ClassDanByersIntroToEphesians.mp3
06/27/21 Covenant Communion Dempsey Collins N/A Sun PM 20210627PMDempseyCollinsCovenantCommunion.mp3
06/23/21 Truths from a Catholic Bible, Pt 2 Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210623ClassDempseyCollinsTruthsFromACatholicBiblePt2.mp3
06/20/21 Judgment Parables Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210620ClassAdamHiggJudgmentParables.mp3
06/20/21 3 John Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210620ClassKevinByers3John.mp3
06/16/21 Truths from a Catholic Bible, Pt 1 Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210616ClassDempseyCollinsTruthsFromACatholicBible.mp3 Catholic_Doctrines.pdf
06/13/21 Grace Parables Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210613ClassAdamHiggGraceParables.mp3
06/09/21 Kingdom Parables, pt 2 Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Wed Bible Study 20210609ClassAdamHiggKingdomParablesPt2.mp3
06/06/21 Kingdom Parables, Pt 1 Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210606ClassAdamHiggKingdomParablesPt1.mp3
06/06/21 1 John 5:16-21, 2nd John Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210606ClassKevinByers1Jn5.16-2Jn.mp3
06/02/21 Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study 20210602ClassDempseyCollinsPlanYourWorkWorkYourPlan.mp3
05/30/21 From Prophecy to Parable Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210530ClassAdamHiggFromProphecyToParable.mp3
05/30/21 1 John 5.1-15 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210530Class1John5.1-15.mp3
05/26/21 Getting Started in Personal Evangelism Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study GETTING_STARTED_IN_PERSONAL_EVANGLEISM.pdf 20210526ClassDempseyCollinsGettingStartedInPersonalEvangelism.mp3
05/23/21 What Are Parables and Why Did Jesus Use Them? (Pt 2) Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210523ClassAdamHiggParablesPt2.mp3
05/23/21 1 John 3:23-4:21 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210523ClassKevinByers1John3.23-4.21.mp3
05/19/21 Jesus' Evangelism Was Personal Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study Personal_Evangelism-1622167733.pdf 20210519ClassDempseyCollinsJesusEvangelismWasPersonal.mp3
05/16/21 What Are Parables and Why Did Jesus Use Them? (Pt 1) Adam Higginbotham Ears to Hear: A Study of Parables Sun Bible Study 20210516ClassAdamHigginbothamWhatIsAParable.mp3
05/16/21 1 John 3:11-22 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210516ClassKevinByers1John3.11-22.mp3
05/12/21 Our Mission: Make Disciples Dempsey Collins Evangelism 101 Wed Bible Study Personal_Evangelism.pdf 20210512ClassDempseyCollinsEvangelismOurMissionMakeDisciples.mp3
05/05/21 Two Paths, Two Foundations Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210505ClassDempseyCollinsTwoPathsTwoFoundations.mp3
05/02/21 1 John 3:4-10 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210502ClassKevinByers11John3.4-10.mp3
04/28/21 Ask and It Will Be Given Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210428ClassDempseyCollinsAskAndItWillBeGiven.mp3
04/25/21 1 John 2:20-3:3 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210425ClassKevinByers1John2.20-3.3.mp3
04/23/21 Trust God & Judge Not Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210421ClassDempseyCollinsTrustGodAndJudgeNot.mp3
04/18/21 1 John 2:7-23 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210418ClassKevinByers1John2.7-23.mp3
04/14/21 Do Not Worry Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210414ClassDempseyCollinsWorryVsTrust.mp3
04/07/21 Practicing Righteousness, Pt. 2 (Fasting) Dan Byers Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210407ClassDanByersFasting.mp3
04/04/21 1 John 1:8-2:6 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210404ClassKevinByers1John1.8-2.6.mp3
03/31/21 Practicing Righteousness, Pt. 1 (Giving & Praying) Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210331ClassDempseyCollinsPracticingRighteousnessAndTheModelPrayer.mp3
03/28/21 1 John 1:1-7 Kevin Byers 1, 2 & 3 John Sun PM 20210328ClassKevinByers1John1.mp3
03/24/21 Acceptable Service (Heb. 13:1-25) Eddie Pagan Hebrews - A New & Living Way Wed Bible Study 20210324ClassEddiePaganHebrews13.1-25.mp3 Acceptable_Service.pdf
03/17/21 Be Perfect Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210317ClassDempseyCollinsBePerfect.mp3
03/11/21 You Have Heard It Was Said, Pt. 3 Dempsey Collins Matthew: Gospel of the Kingdom Wed Bible Study 20210311ClassDempseyCollinsYouHaveHeardPt3.mp3
03/07/21 The Unshakeable Kingdom (Heb. 12:25-29) Eddie Pagan Hebrews - A New & Living Way Sun Bible Study The_Unshakable_Kingdom.pdf 20210307ClassEddiePaganHeb12.25-29.mp3

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