Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/29/20 Leviticus: Laws of Morality (ch 17-21) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Wed Bible Study Laws_of_Moral_Purity.pptx Leviticus_-_Laws_of_Morality.mp3
01/26/20 Leviticus: Laws of Purity (ch 11-15) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Sun Bible Study Laws_of_Ritual_Purity.pptx Leviticus_-_Laws_of_Purity.mp3
01/22/20 Leviticus: The Priesthood (ch 21-22) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Wed Bible Study Priesthood_Pt._2.pptx Leviticus_-_Priesthood_Pt._2.mp3
01/19/20 Leviticus: The Priesthood (ch 8-10) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Sun Bible Study Priesthood_Pt._1.pptx Leviticus_-_Priesthood.mp3
01/15/20 Leviticus: Sacred Rituals - Holy Days (ch 23-25) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Wed Bible Study Ritual_Calendar.pptx Leviticus_Holy_Days.mp3
01/12/20 Leviticus: Sacred Rituals - Sacrifice (ch 1-7) Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Sun Bible Study Ritual_Sacrifices.pptx Leviticus_-_Sacrifices.mp3
01/08/20 Intro to Leviticus, Pt. 3: Purpose Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Wed Bible Study Leviticus_Overview.pptx LeviticusIntroPt3.mp3
01/05/20 Intro to Leviticus, Pt. 2: Perspectives on the Law Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Sun Bible Study 6_Observations_on_the_Need_for_the_Law.pdf 6_Perspectives_on_the_Law.pptx LeviticusIntroPt2.mp3
01/01/20 Intro to Leviticus, Pt. 1: Background and Barriers Adam Higginbotham Leviticus and Numbers Wed Bible Study Leviticus_Overview.pdf LeviticusIntroPt1.mp3
12/08/19 The Primary Focus of Our Teaching Dempsey Collins N/A Sun Bible Study 20191208BibleClassDempseyCollinsThePrimaryFocusOfOurTeaching.MP3
09/30/18 3 John 9-15 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180930ClassAndrewShearer3John9-15.MP3
09/26/18 3 John 1-8 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180926ClassAndrewShearer3John1-8.MP3
09/23/18 2 John 7-13 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180923ClassAndrewShearer2John7-13.MP3
09/16/18 2 John 1-6 Adam Higginbotham I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180916ClassAdamHigginbotham2John1-6.MP3
09/12/18 Overview of 2 John Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180912ClassAndrewShearerOverviewOf2John.MP3
09/09/18 Approaches to Studying 1 John Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180909ClassAndrewShearerApproachesToStudying1John.MP3
09/05/18 Assurance in 1 John Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180905ClassAndrewShearerAssuranceIn1John.MP3
09/02/18 1 John 5:19-21 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180902ClassAndrewShearer1John5.19-21.MP3
08/29/18 1 John 5:16-18 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180829ClassAndrewShearer1John5.16-18.MP3
08/26/18 1 John 5.6-15 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180826ClassAndrewShearer1John5.6-15.MP3
08/22/18 1 John 4:20-5:5 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180822ClassAndrewShearer1John4.20-5.5.MP3
08/19/18 1 John 4:10-19 Adam Higginbotham I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180819ClassAdamHigginbotham1John4.MP3
08/08/18 1 John 3:16-24 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180808ClassAndrewShearer1John3.16-24.MP3
08/05/18 1 John 3:11-15 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun AM 20180805ClassAndrewShearer1John3.11-15.MP3
08/01/18 1 John 3:1-10 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180801ClassAndrewShearer1John3.1-10.MP3
07/29/18 1 John 2:18-3:1 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180729ClassAndrewShearerJohn2.18-3.1.MP3
07/25/18 1 John 2:9-17 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180725ClassAndrewShearer.MP3
07/18/18 1 John 2:5-8 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180718ClassAndrewShearer1John2.5-8.mp3
07/15/18 1 John 2:1-4 Dan Byers I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180715ClassDanByers1John2.1-4.mp3
07/11/18 1 John 1:5-10 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180711ClassAndrewShearer1John1.5-10.mp3
07/08/18 1 John 1:1-4 Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180708ClassAndrewShearer1John1.1-4.MP3
07/04/18 1 John (Intro, Pt. 2) Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Wed Bible Study 20180704ClassAndrewShearer1JohnIntroPt2.MP3
07/01/18 1 John (Intro, Pt. 1) Andrew Shearer I, II & III John Sun Bible Study 20180701ClassAndrewShearer1JohnIntro.MP3
06/27/18 John, Pt. 25 (21:1-25) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_21.1-25_Notes.pdf John_21.1-25.pdf 20180627ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn21.MP3
06/24/18 John, Pt. 24 (20:1-31) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study John_20.1-31.pdf John_20.1-31_Notes.pdf 20180624ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn20.mp3
06/20/18 John, Pt. 23 (19:1-42) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_19.1-42_Notes.pdf 20180620ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn19.mp3
06/17/18 John, Pt. 22 (18:1-40) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180617ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn18.MP3 John_18.1-40_Notes.pdf
06/13/18 John, Pt. 21 (17:1-26) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study 20180613ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn17.MP3 John_17.1-26_Notes.pdf John_17.1-26.pdf
06/10/18 John, Pt 20 (16:1-33) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180610ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn16.MP3 John_16.1-33_Notes.pdf
06/06/18 John, Pt.19 (15:1-27) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_15.1-27_Notes.pdf John_15.pdf 20180606ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn15.MP3
06/03/18 John, Pt 18 (14:1-31) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study John_14.1-31_Notes.pdf John_14.pdf 20180603ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn14.MP3
05/30/18 John, Pt 17 (13:1-38) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study 20180530ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn13.MP3 John_13.1-38_Notes.pdf John_13.pdf
05/27/18 John, Pt. 16 (12:1-50) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180527ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn12.1-50.MP3 John_12.1-50_Notes.pdf John_12.1-50.pdf
05/23/18 John, Pt. 15 (11:1-57) - No Audio Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_11.1-57_Notes.pdf John_11.1-57.pdf
05/20/18 John, Pt. 14 (10:1-42) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180520ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn10.1-42.MP3 John_10.1-42_Notes.pdf
05/16/18 John, Pt. 13 (9:1-41) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study 20180516ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn9.1-41.MP3 John_9.1-41_Notes.pdf John_9.1-41.pdf
05/13/18 John, Pt. 12 (8:1-29) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180513ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn8.1-29.MP3 John_8.1-59_Notes.pdf John_8.1-59.pdf
05/09/18 John, Pt. 11 (7:1-53) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study 20180509ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn7.1-53.MP3 John_7.1-53_Notes.pdf
05/06/18 John, Pt. 10 (5:31-6:51) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study John_6.1-72_Notes.pdf 20180506ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn5.31-6.51.MP3
05/02/18 John, Pt. 9 (4:43-5:30) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_4.43-5.47.pdf John_4.43-5.47_Notes.pdf 20180502ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn4.43-5.30.MP3
04/29/18 John, Pt. 8 (4:27-42) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180429ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn4.27-42.MP3 John_4.27-42_Notes.pdf
04/25/18 Biblical Peacemaking #8 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Wed Bible Study Peacemaking_8-1524755576.mp3 Peacemaking_8.mp3
04/25/18 John, Pt. 7 (4:1-26) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study 20180425ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn4.1-26.MP3 John_4.1-42_Notes.pdf
04/22/18 John, Pt. 6 (3:22-36) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study 20180422ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn3.22-36.MP3 John_3.22-36_Notes.pdf John_3.22-36.pdf
04/22/18 Gender Roles in the Church, Pt. 3 Sid Latham Gender Roles in the Church Sun Bible Study 20180422ClassSidLathamGenderRolesPt3.MP3
04/22/18 Biblical Peacemaking #7 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Sun AM Peacemaking_7.mp3
04/18/18 John, Pt. 5 (3:1-21) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study John_3.1-21_Notes.pdf John_3.1-21.pdf 20180418ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn3.8-18.MP3
04/18/18 Biblical Peacemaking #6 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Wed Bible Study Peacemaking_6.mp3
04/15/18 John, Pt. 4 (2:21-3:8) Alan Cornett John Sun Bible Study 20180415ClassAlanCornettJohn2.12-3.8.MP3
04/15/18 Gender Roles in the Church, Pt. 2 Sid Latham Gender Roles in the Church Sun Bible Study 20180418PMSidLathamGenderRolesPt2.MP3
04/15/18 Biblical Peacemaking #5 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Sun AM Peacemaking_5.mp3
04/11/18 John, Pt. 3 (2:1-11) Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_2_Notes.pdf John_2.pdf 20180411ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn2.1-11.MP3
04/11/18 Biblical Peacemaking #4 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Wed Bible Study Peacemaking_4.mp3
04/08/18 John, Pt. 2 (1:6-51) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study John_1.19-51_Notes.pdf John_1-1524761866.pdf 20180408ClassAdamHigginbothamJohn1.19-51.mp3
04/08/18 Biblical Peacemaking #3 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Sun AM Peacemaking_3.mp3
04/04/18 Biblical Peacemaking #2 Sid Latham Biblical Peacemaking Wed Bible Study 20180404ClassSidLathamBiblicalPeacemaking2.mp3
04/04/18 John, Pt.1 (1:1-18) - No Audio Adam Higginbotham John Wed Bible Study John_1.1-18_Notes.pdf John_1.pdf
04/01/18 John (Introduction) Adam Higginbotham John Sun Bible Study Intro_to_John_Notes.pdf John_Intro.pdf 20180401ClassAdamHigginbothamJohnIntro.MP3
03/28/18 2 Peter, Pt. 4 (3:1-18), Jude Andrew Shearer 2 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180328ClassAndrewShearer2Peter3.1-18.Jude.MP3
03/25/18 2 Peter, Pt. 3 (2:1-22) Andrew Shearer 2 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180325ClassAndrewShearer2Peter2.1-22.MP3
03/14/18 2 Peter, Pt. 2 (1:3-21) Andrew Shearer 2 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180314ClassAndrewShearer2Peter1.3-21.mp3
03/11/18 2 Peter, Pt. 1 (1:1-2) Andrew Shearer 2 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180311ClassAndrewShearer2Peter1.1-2.MP3
03/07/18 1 Peter, Pt. 17 (5:7-14) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180307ClassAndrewShearer1Peter5.7-14.MP3
03/04/18 1 Peter, Pt. 16 (5:1-6) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180304ClassAndrewShearer1Peter5.1-6.MP3
02/28/18 1 Peter, Pt. 15 (4:11-19) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180228ClassAndrewShearer1Peter4.11-19.MP3
02/25/18 1 Peter, Pt. 14 (4:7-11) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180225ClassAndrewShearer1Peter4.7-11.MP3
02/21/18 1 Peter, Pt. 13 (4:1-6) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180221ClassAndrewShearer1Peter4.1-6.MP3
02/18/18 1 Peter, Pt. 12 (3:18-22) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180218ClassAndrewShearer1Peter3.18-22.MP3
02/14/18 1 Peter, Pt. 11 (3:8-17) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180214ClassAndrewShearer1Peter3.8-17.MP3
02/11/18 1 Peter, Pt. 10 (3:1-7) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180211ClassAndrewShearer1Peter3.1-7.MP3
02/07/18 1 Peter, Pt. 9 (2:18-25) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180207ClassAndrewShearer1Peter2.18-25.MP3
02/04/18 1 Peter, Pt. 8 (2:13-17) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180204ClassAndrewShearer1Peter2.13b-25.MP3
01/31/18 1 Peter, Pt. 7 (2:11-13) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180131ClassAndrewShearer1Peter2.11-13a.MP3
01/24/18 1 Peter, Pt. 6 (2:4-10) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180124ClassAndrewShearer1Peter2.4-10.MP3
01/21/18 1 Peter, Pt. 5 (1:22-2:3) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180121ClassAndrewShearer1Peter1.22-2.3.MP3
01/17/18 1 Peter, Pt. 4 (1:13-21) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180117ClassAndrewShearer1Peter1.13-21.MP3
01/14/18 1 Peter, Pt. 3 (1:8-12) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180114ClassAndrewShearer1Peter1.8-12.MP3
01/10/18 1 Peter, Pt. 2 (1:3-7) Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180110ClassAndrewShearer1Peter1.3-7.MP3
01/07/18 1 Peter, Pt. 1 (1:1-2) Austin Shearer 1 Peter Sun Bible Study 20180107ClassAustinShearer1Peter1.1-2.MP3
01/03/18 Introduction to 1 Peter Andrew Shearer 1 Peter Wed Bible Study 20180103ClassAndrewShearer1PeterIntro.MP3
12/31/17 Hebrews, Pt. 26 (13:5-25) Alan Cornett Hebrews Sun Bible Study 20171231ClassAlanCornettHebrews13.5-25.MP3
12/27/17 Hebrews, Pt. 25 (13:1-4) Sid Latham Hebrews Wed Bible Study 20171227CLassSidLathamHebrews13.MP3
12/24/17 Hebrews, Pt. 24 (12:25-29) Sid Latham Hebrews Sun Bible Study 20171224ClassSidLathamHebrews12.25-29.MP3
12/17/17 Hebrews, Pt. 22 (12:1-16) Sid Latham Hebrews Sun Bible Study 20171217ClassSidLathamHeb12.1-16.MP3
12/13/17 Hebrews, Pt. 21 (11:31-40) Sid Latham Hebrews Wed Bible Study 20171213ClassSidLathamHeb11.31-40.mp3
12/10/17 Hebrews, Pt. 20 (11:20-30) Sid Latham Hebrews Sun Bible Study 20171210ClassSidLathamHeb11.20-30.MP3
12/06/17 Hebrews, Pt. 19 (11:7-19) Sid Latham Hebrews Wed Bible Study 20171206ClassSidLathamHeb11.7-19.MP3
12/03/17 Hebrews, Pt. 18 (11:1-6) Sid Latham Hebrews Sun Bible Study 20171203ClassSidLathamHebrews.MP3
11/29/17 Hebrews, Pt. 17 (10:28-39) Sid Latham Hebrews Wed Bible Study 20171129ClassSidLathamHebrews.MP3
11/26/17 Hebrews, Pt. 16 (10:12-27) Sid Latham Hebrews Wed Bible Study 20171126ClassSidLathamHebrews.MP3

Displaying 501 - 600 of 616

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